Monday, August 20, 2012

Weekend of Menko

We were very excited to have our BFF from Chicago to visit...the one and only Menko (aka Kristen Klimenko).  She flew in Thursday night and we grilled out at our house while drinking a few bottles of wine.  On Friday, Matt unfortunately had to work, so it was girls' day.  We slept in a bit and then went to Red Rocks to do some hiking and explore the amphitheater.  For the first day at altitude, Menko did great on a 4 mile hike!!
After Red Rocks, we headed to have lunch and explore Golden.  We didn't go to the Coors brewery, but did have a Coors product at lunch (which we felt obligated to do since we were in Golden).  The sign welcoming you to Golden looks very old west, which adds to the charm.
Friday night was a happy hour with volleyball friends and then dinner at Ignite with  Naomi and Ryan.  On Saturday, you could tell Matt had something to do with what time we left because we were out of the house by sleeping in this morning!  We met up with Naomi and Ryan and hiked up Chief Mountain.  Menko was a little nervous about the altitude (started at ~10,600), but she rocked it.  The views from there are amazing.
After Chief Mountain, Naomi and Ryan headed home while the three of us went to Idaho Springs for lunch.  We ended up at Tommyknockers where Matt and Menko enjoyed the craft beers.  From there we drove through Golden canyon and decided to go alpine sledding (Menko and Karla spotting it on Friday and decided it was a "must do".).  Matt was a little hesitant at the idea, but it ended up being really fun.

After a quick trip to Colorado Cider Company for some tastings (and for Karla and Matt to replenish their stock), it was home for a quick nap.  For dinner we hit up downtown for dinner and then LoDo's for drinks.  We met up with two friends of Menko's that lived in Fort Collins...she met them while on her 6-week Europe trip.  Her friends were aghast that we hadn't been to Rio for margaritas after living in Denver for 5 months.  So, we ended up at Rio for margaritas, which were really good and quite strong!  Of course, we had the munchies on the way home and ended up at Biker Jim's for some gourmet hot dogs at 1am.

Sunday morning was brunch at Snooze where our waiter could tell we had a late night.  He asked Karla if she wanted a small or large orange juice and all she could do was stare blankly at him.  He ended up taking pity on us and giving us a free pancake for breakfast dessert, which was awesome.  There's a reason we love that place - they have great service!!

It was a fun-filled weekend...we can't wait for her to visit again.

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