Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Hiking in Snow

We had a semi-busy weekend.  Friday night was happy hour with our volleyball team.  Since we got 2nd in the last tournament, we had a gift certificate to use.  So we treated ourselves to beer, wine, appetizers, and pizza.  When we were finished there, most of us decided to go to Naomi's house for a post-happy hour drink and ended up staying until 11pm.  Quite the happy hour!  Luckily, thanks to the great deals at the restaurant, we still have some money left on the gift certificate, so we get to have another happy hour soon.

Saturday was a chilly, rain/sleet day so we decided to stay in and watch some football.  We did run some errands - including one to REI to get Matt some hiking boots!  So, of course we had to plan to go hiking a bit on Sunday...

Sunday was a nice day - high in the 60's.  We decided to go to Mt. Falcon park (near Morrison, CO) to do a few miles of hiking to break in Matt's boots.  We hiked for about 90 minutes.  They had gotten some heavy frost and a little bit of snow Saturday and Saturday night, so the hike was beautiful with the snow covered trees.  However, it felt a bit like hiking in the rain since the sunshine was melting all of the snow.

Matt had Columbus Day off.  You have to love banking holidays, right?  So he went up to Chautauqua Park in Boulder.  We went there a lot this spring, but haven't been in a while.  He hiked the Royal Arch trail and got some more miles in his new boots!

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