Friday, September 13, 2013

Football & Mt Evans

Football is here!  After watching Payton Manning throw his 7 touchdowns on Thursday, We thought it would be fun to watch the Iowa game at 10:30am on saturday and then the Baylor game at 1:30. Except we told Ryan we would climb Mt Evans with him.  So instead we got up early on Saturday and drove to Summit Lake on the Mt Evans Road to start to summit.

This was a fairly short hike, since Summit Lake is already around 12,800 feet.  We took the long way up and the short way down.  On our way up we could see Chicago Lakes, which we hiked to the summer before, and realized we weren't too far away from the summit last year.  We also saw a mountain goat and their kid, which couldn't have been more than a few months old.  Pretty cool.

We could also see Bierstadt and the sawtooth from the other side, which was a unique perspective.  It took us about 2.5 hours to hike to the summit.  It was probably the clearest we've seen at the top of a 14er.  We could see Grays/Torreys, Bierstad, and even Long's Peak off in the distance.  I'm sure we could also see Quandary, but couldn't quite pick it out.

The way down was much shorter.  We went straight down the side of the mountain, on rocks and scree most of the way.  It was about 40 minutes back to the car!

We did make it back for the Baylor game, another thumping of Buffalo.  Sic em!

Sunday we watched the first NFL Sunday, as the Bears and Packers were both televised here.  And most importantly, Matt's fantasy team beat Karla' big deal.  ;)

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